Welcome to the Stollen Capital Dresden. 



Our Dresdner Stollenmädchen

Salome Selnack is the 28th Dresdner Stollenmädchen.
She is the representative of a centuries-old tradition and an ambassador for Saxony’s most famous Christmas pastry.


Take: Dancing stollen bakers, three small giant stollen, one of the busiest crossings in the middle of Berlin et voilá - an absolutely never seen start to the stollen season is born! In 2021, the Dresdner Stollenbäcker celebrated the official opening of the season, unlike in previous years, not in Dresden, but traveled to the German capital to bring the Stollen-Christmas-action. And dance!


Other Interesting Topics

The Stollen Association

The Stollen Association, called »Schutzverband Dresdner Stollen e.V.«, represents the interests of the bakeries and pastry shops from Dresden and its surrounding areas.

The Stollen Seal

The golden seal guarantees that the stollen complies with the certified constant and high quality that is demanded of every Dresdner Christstollen.

Stollen Test

Every year, Dresden's stollen bakers are certified to insure the high quality and excellence of the Dresdner Christstollen.

The Stollenfest

With hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world Dresden's stollen bakeries celebrate their Dresdner Christstollen at the Stollenfest.

The Stollenmädchen

The representative of a centuries-old tradition. The Dresdner Stollenmädchen represents Saxony’s most famous Christmas pastry.


Dresdner Christstollen

A traditional pastry made with excellence, craftsmanship, passion, history and culture.


Experience Stollen

Showroom bakeries, adventure bakeries, Stollenfest and giant stollen box: The Dresdner Christstollen is much more than a culinary delight.


Dresden's Stollen Bakeries

The Stollen Association counts members from Dresden and its close surrounding areas.